A new month brings a new taste discovery. Introducing our two new coffee guests from Burundi and Rwanda. Let's explore these incredible varieties of speciality coffee together.
Bujumbura - Burundi

We are delighted to have a Burundi guest coffee this month. Burundi is one of our top pick countries for speciality coffee so we are always excited when we manage to get our hands on some. This particular coffee is full of flavour with a real vibrant and aromatic kick.
This coffee is grown by smallholder farmers in the mountainous villages near Lake Tanganyika. Working together and in partnership with Migoti Coffee Company to build a more sustainable coffee industry for these important farming areas. This includes projects such as hydroelectricity and development of alternative cash crops.
With taste notes of peach and citrus that evolve into a warm cocoa finish we hope you enjoy this coffee as much as we do.
Region: Mutamba County
Altitude: 1700 metres above sea level
Process: Fully Washed
100% Arabica
Baho - Rwanda

When a speciality coffee boasts flavour notes of strawberry and chocolate it has to be sampled. From the moment we cupped this anaerobic coffee we knew we needed to feature it as a guest for this month.
This deliciously chocolatey coffee is grown close to the beautiful Lake Kivu on the border of Rwanda by the farmers of Bugoyi CWS. This coop is managed by Emma Rusatira and focuses heavily on the community and growing excellent coffee together. Emma provides access to fertilisers and seedlings and assists with training to help farmers grow high quality coffee in this challenging climate. With Emma's guidance the coffee from this particular coffee washing station is not only of an excellent quality but is genuinely building a strong industry within these communities that depend so heavily on coffee production.
This is a smooth coffee that bursts with chocolate and a sweet aroma. Put simply, it's delicious. Enjoy every sip.
Region: Buhimba Village
Altitude: 1500-1900 metres above sea level
Process: Anaerobic
100% Arabica
We'd love to hear what you think of this month's guests, so get in touch and let us know. Asante.