For our final line-up for 2021 we have some delicious speciality coffees to keep you warm and energised for the busy month ahead. Let's explore this month's coffee.
Kagera - Tanzania
Taste Notes: Citrus, Dark Chocolate & Butterscotch
Region: Songwe
Altitude: 1700-1800 masl
Process: Washed
This is a rich and smooth coffee produced by the Igale AMCOS Cooperative. The cooperative is made from 443 small lot farms in the Songwe region. By joining forces to establish this cooperative, farmers are able to combine resources and invest in quality machinery helping increase quality and production volume as well as security that comes with being part of a successful cooperative.
This coffee embodies the festive season with smooth chocolate, light citrus and butterscotch flavours. This coffee is Christmas in a cup. Cheers everyone!
Natural Tibebu - Ethiopia

Taste Notes: Apple, Rose and Lime
Region: Yirgacheffe
Altitude: 1950-2060 masl
Process: Natural
This arabica coffee is produced by the Tibebu Roba farm in the famous Yirgacheffe region of Ethiopia. This is one of the very few coffees that has been grown from a single farm rather than a collection of small lots, which is not typical in Africa. The Tibebu farm has been cultivating coffee for over 20 years.
This speciality coffee combines flavours of sweet apple, rose, honey and lime and has a delicate yet refreshing finish. We particularly enjoy this coffee as an espresso which is where it really comes into its own. Take the time to sit back and enjoy this delicate coffee from one of the world's most renowned coffee regions.
Enjoy these delicious examples of African speciality coffee to see out the year!